Trademark Registration Services
Although China is party to the Madrid Agreement of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), registration processes that are conducted solely through another country’s national system are not sufficient to protect your brand in China. Many foreign companies mistakenly believe that their brand is fully protected in China through international WIPO registration. It’s essential to understand that this not only affects companies exporting to China but also those who import from China. If the registration process is insufficient or not properly monitored, your products could be blocked from entering China or counterfeits could even be sold under your brand in different countries.
Trademark Registration Services
Contact us for detailed information aboutThat’s why it’s absolutely vital for every company that has any association with the Chinese market, whether through communication, trade fairs, or visits, to register their brand in China. With the assistance of CTTIP Consultancy and International Trade Inc., you can trust that we will closely oversee your brand registration procedures and take the necessary measures to prevent counterfeit issues in China and global markets.